Double Greek-Style Beef Rump & Supergreen Salad
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Double Greek-Style Beef Rump & Supergreen Salad

Double Greek-Style Beef Rump & Supergreen Salad

with Oregano Potatoes & Garlic Sauce

A warm bed of golden potatoes lay the base for a steak of joyous proportions. Teamed with crisp veggies and pickled onion, it's a delectable meal the whole family will love.

This recipe is under 650kcal per serving and under 40g carbohydrates per serving.

Over 30g protein
Calorie Smart
Under 40g carbs

Always read product labels for the most up-to-date allergen information. Visit for allergen and ingredient information. If you have received a substitute ingredient, please be aware allergens may have changed.

Preparation Time30 minutes
Cooking Time


Serving amount



1 sachet

dried oregano


red onion

1 packet

Snacking Tomatoes



2 packet

beef rump

1 sachet

garlic & herb seasoning

1 packet

kale & spinach

1 packet

Garlic Sauce

(Contains Egg, Milk, Sesame;)

Not included in your delivery

olive oil

¼ cup

white wine vinegar


Nutritional Values

Energy (kJ)2073 kJ
Fat8.7 g
of which saturates3.1 g
Carbohydrate31.8 g
of which sugars8.6 g
Dietary Fibre9.9 g
Protein68.8 g
Sodium584 mg
The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ


Baking Tray
Baking Paper
Large Frying Pan



• Preheat oven to 240°C/220°C fan-forced. Cut potato into bite-sized chunks. • Spread potatoes over a large microwave-safe plate. Cover with a damp paper towel. Microwave potatoes on high, 3 minutes. • Drain any excess liquid, then place potatoes on a lined oven tray. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle over dried oregano, season with salt and toss to coat. • Spread out evenly, then roast until golden and tender, 10-15 minutes.


• Meanwhile, thinly slice red onion (see ingredients). • In a small bowl, combine the white wine vinegar and a good pinch of sugar and salt. • Scrunch sliced onion in your hands, then add it to pickling liquid. Add enough water to just cover onion. Set aside. • Halve snacking tomatoes. Roughly chop cucumber.


• Place beef rump between two sheets of baking paper. Pound beef with a meat mallet or rolling pin until slightly flattened. • In a medium bowl, combine beef rump, garlic & herb seasoning and a drizzle of olive oil. Season. • In a large frying pan, heat a drizzle of olive oil over high heat. • When oil is hot, cook the beef, turning, for 3-6 minutes (depending on thickness), or until cooked to your liking. Cook in batches for the best results. Transfer to a plate to rest.

TIP: If your beef rump is more than 3cm thick, cut in half horizontally before pounding for a shorter cook time.


• In a medium bowl, combine tomato, cucumber, kale & spinach leaves, a drizzle of olive oil and a splash of pickling liquid. Season. • Drain pickled onion. • Slice beef rump. • Divide oregano potatoes, Greek-style beef and supergreen salad between plates. Top with pickled onion and garlic sauce. Enjoy!